OpenNMS Training in 2013

Hot on the heels of yesterday’s announcement of the OpenNMS Foundation, I wanted to point out that we have a lot of training scheduled in 2013.

The next class will be held at Red Hat’s London Headquarters the last week in January. Red Hat has been very kind to offer us the use of their mobile classroom laptops as well as a conference room in the heart of London. Space is limited, so if this interests you please register soon.

In February, our partner in Germany, Nethinks, is offering training for the first time in the German language. They have scheduled three classes next year in Fulda.

In April we will have our first training course at OpenNMS headquarters in the US. We will have two or three more classes next year, depending on interest, but April is the first one on the schedule.

More information can be found on the OpenNMS Training Page.

And don’t forget that there will also be training opportunities at the OpenNMS User Conference in March.

Hope to see you at one of these events.

Last updated on Dec 11, 2012 14:21 UTC

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