Ohio Linuxfest and MC Frontalot

I have been on a forced hiatus from conferences this year. I love going to them, but they do take up a lot of time and I wanted to focus as much as I could this year on the OpenNMS business.

However, last year I missed the Ohio Linuxfest due to illness, so I wanted to go back this year. We usually sponsor the show, and when I was talking to Robert Ball about doing it again this year, he asked me about ideas for entertainment for the after party on Saturday night.

I suggested we get MC Frontalot.


A few weeks and several e-mails later, I can confirm that the musical stylings of Damian Hess will descend on Columbus for one night only. As a fan I’m pretty excited, and I was happy that we could get him to come to the show.

Note that his show is only open to attendees of the conference, for which admission is free, but the party costs money and is limited to 350 people (the maximum occupancy of the venue).

If you have been on the fence about coming to the OLF this year, perhaps the chance the see MC Frontalot is enough to change your mind. If you’ve never heard of him before, chances are that if you are reading my blog you’ll like him – a lot.

Plus, I’m giving a talk in the new users track about switching to Linux from Apple products if MC Frontalot isn’t enough to get you there.

Last updated on Aug 27, 2012 14:34 UTC

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