Welcome Eric Evans to the OpenNMS Group

It is with much happiness and joy that I am able to announce that today Eric Evans joins us at the OpenNMS Group.

I’ve known Eric for nearly 11 years, and he was instrumental in bringing OpenNMS to Rackspace (one of our first customers). While I don’t know if OpenNMS would be here if it wasn’t for Rackspace (and thus Eric), I do know that their support of the project was very important in our surviving through those early years.

Eric at an Early Dev-Jam. Photo credit Mike Huot

Since Eric was instrumental in the development of the Rackspace Cloud as well as the person who popularized the term “noSQL” it is fitting that we have brought him on board to architect both our cloud strategy (yes, “cloud”, I said it) as well as making OpenNMS fully distributable so it can scale even more.

Look forward to many great things as we add Eric to a team already full of awesomeness.

Last updated on Mar 04, 2013 13:37 UTC

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