Using an XML Parser

You know when the XML nerds say not to use regular expressions to parse XML? They’re right.

As part of a less is more project, we wanted to remove the tags from all of the OpenNMS event files. We spent much of the morning playing with a number of methods to find and replace with empty space those tags, and we failed. We came close a couple of times, but then some weird aspect of formatting (tags that spanned multiple lines, some with spaces and some without, etc.) would foil it.

Then I found out about xmlstarlet. We installed it and ran:

xml ed -L -d "/events/event/alarm-data" [filename]

and it just worked. Pipe that bad boy through find and you are good to go.

While I don’t think the option exists, it would be cool if instead of deleting the tag we could just comment it out, but that doesn’t seem to be currently possible.

Last updated on Oct 09, 2014 13:21 UTC

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