This Week's Travel Plans

Just a quick note about some travel that’s coming up this week. I will be in Austin, Texas, USA for barcampESM on Saturday. I’m not sure what to make of it, but some folks I know will be there and some people I want to meet, like Luke Kanies, will also be there, and since I have to be in Texas anyway I thought “what the heck, let’s do it”. We’re also planning an OpenNMS Sunday brunch if you are in the area and want to get together. Just drop me a line and I’ll let you know the details once they are decided.

Also, Ben Reed will be at Google this week for the KDE 4.0 Release Event. He is pretty much the maintainer of KDE on Darwin (OS X). As Mac users and big fans of free and open source software, we encourage (i.e. let Ben work on it, well, at work) his involvement on this and look forward to KDE 4. Be sure to say “hi” if you see him.

Last updated on Jan 14, 2008 21:44 UTC

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