It’s hard to believe but this blog is now 21 years old, having started back on this day in 2003. In the beginning I only had the one reader, but now I’m up to a whole three readers! I’m hoping by the time it turns 30 I can get to four.
I am writing this from the French Quarter in New Orleans, where I am attending a meeting. I was trying to think about a topic for this auspicious anniversary, and my go-to was to complain, once again, about the death of Google Reader also killing blogs, but instead I thought I’d just mention a few of the events I’ll be attending in the first part of 2024.
Next week I’ll be heading to Berlin for FOSS Backstage. I’ve been to Germany many times and love visiting that county, and this will be my first visit to Berlin so I am looking forward to it. I’m speaking on open source business models, which is a topic I’m passionate about. It should be a lot of fun.
April will find me in Seattle for the Open Source Summit. I won’t be speaking, but I will be in the AWS booth and would love to meet up if you happen to be attending as well.
Finally, in May I’ll be in Paris for the inaugural Open Source Founders Summit. If you run a commercial open source company, or are thinking about starting an open source company, consider applying to attend this conference. [Emily Omier][10] is bringing together pretty much the brain-trust when it comes to open source business (and me!) and it promises to be a great discussion on how to make money with open source while remaining true to its values.