Thank $DEITY It's Friday

Well, that was a hectic week. Luckily we are nothing but traditional here in OpenNMS land, and Friday means barbecue for lunch and beer before we go home.

We have three people confirmed for Dev-Jam 2005: Mike Huot, DJ Gregor and Bill Ayres will all be making the trip out, and Ben Reed says he’s coming if we go to his Halloween Party (I’ve only made one of his parties in the last 4 years or so). We’re hoping for more – perhaps some of the folks from Europe can make the trip considering the Euro is strong against the dollar.

We also have 1358 registered wiki members. w00t!

Our “Q Friday” lunches have become quite popular, and in the past five weeks we’ve had four “guest” lunches where folks have come out to Pittsboro to join us on our weekly trip to the Temple of ‘cue. It’s an open invitation – just drop me a note to let me know you’re coming.

Today’s guests were Mark Hinkel and Greg and Paul from Emu Software. Emu makes a commercial configuration management tool using Java, Tomcat and Postgresql, and with our pending move to AJAX (as part of Dev-Jam) we hope to integrate our applications together. It was a great lunch, and meeting people like these guys is one of the reasons I love my job.

Next week I’m in Texas for awhile (the lower, dryer part) and then it’s off to the UK for LinuxWorld Expo. Hope to see some of you there.

Last updated on Sep 23, 2005 21:53 UTC

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