Some Props for Gian at Microsoft

It is rare that you hear the terms “open source” and Microsoft in a favorable light, but Microsoft has always been helpful to the OpenNMS project. One way they do this is by providing us with a subscription to the Microsoft Developers Network (MSDN).

When ours expired this year, Gianugo Rabellino, Senior Director of Open Source Communities (who I met in person at this year’s OSCON) jumped right in to get it renewed. In his words “Ask and ye shall receive”.

One might wonder why we would bother with supporting OpenNMS on Windows, but a quick look at our page stats from the last week shows that the Windows installation page is the third most popular one on the whole site.


We are currently working on a project to make OpenNMS support on Windows even stronger, and that wouldn’t be possible without an MSDN subscription.

Last updated on Nov 19, 2011 17:27 UTC

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