We are three weeks away from the Southern California Linux Expo and I am getting really excited about it.
For those of you who are in to OpenNMS then tune in that day because we are making a pretty significant announcement at the show. Be sure to come buy the booth on the expo floor and say “hi” to the team, and both Jeff and I will be speaking (although at least during my talk you probably have better things to go see. For example, have you met our Lord and Savior, Docker?)
We are also incredibly excited that MC Frontalot will be performing. I’m not sure of the exact details but I believe it will be Saturday night.
(Note: I stole that picture from here since I like the fact that he has hair in it, well for certain values of “hair”, and note that link may not be safe for work [nudity])
If you are unfamiliar with his work, be sure to check out his YooToob Channel, and if you are so inclined I strongly recommend reading this well written bit (on Jezebel no less) concerning an issue surrounding a Penny Arcade comic a few years ago that really showcases the type of guy he is. Again, might not be safe for work (language). Be sure to click on the link to the original post for more detail.
If you are still on the fence about SCaLE, perhaps this little nugget will sway you: use Promo Code “ONMS” and get 40% off show registration. It’s cheap at twice the price and one of my favorite events of any year, but we want it to be extra special for 2015.