Capitalism and the Open Source Way

I’m supposed to be on vacation today. My 50th birthday is coming up and I’m taking some time off to celebrate and reflect. But Jan Wildeboer posted a link to a critical article about a recent Paul Graham essay, and it touched a nerve. I wanted to write down a few thoughts about it while they were fresh.

In the essay, Graham boasts about increasing income inequality. It’s the new version of “greed is good“. He proposes that the best method for modeling democracy is that of the startup. I can’t agree with that.

Look, I work at a ten-year-old startup, but that isn’t what Graham means. He means the Silicon Valley startup which follows this basic model:

1) Come up with an idea
2) Get some rich people to give you money to pursue the idea

If you get past Step 2, this is considered “a success” because if a rich guy wants to give you money your idea must be good, right?

3) Burn through that money as fast as you can in search of turning your idea into something people will watch, download, share or buy
4) Run out of money
5) Get more money
6) Go back to step 4, eroding your share of the idea until the rich people own it

Success is then measured by an acquisition or IPO. Failure is that you can’t get past step 5 at some point.

I can’t remember who told me this, so I do apologize for not being able to credit you, but it was pointed out to me that a lot of startups tend to hit the US$5MM revenue mark and then stall. The reason, she said (and I do believe it was a she) was that startups are aimed at the culture of Silicon Valley, and quite frequently an idea that works in the Valley doesn’t work elsewhere.

The Valley consists mainly of young, white and Asian males. I’ve spent a lot of time in the Valley, and while I’ve met a lot of amazing people, I’ve met an equal number of assholes. The latter seemed to measure value strictly on wealth, and they pursue money above all else (“go big or go home”). Look, I think money is great, it can provide options and security, but the sole pursuit of money is not a good way to live. If I have any wisdom to impart after 50 years it would be to buy experiences, not things. The former will last a lot longer.

And this shameless pursuit of money, in both the Valley and on Wall Street, is creating a huge wealth inequality. From what I could find on the web, the average software engineer in the Valley makes around US$150K. Meanwhile, for the same year the average household income was a little over US$50K, so a third of that probably with more than one person working.

People will defend those salaries because they say they are valuable, but if we are talking about a startup-driven economy, most startups both lose money and eventually fail. So I’m not sure it can be defended on value creation. Plus, as the wealth gap gets larger and larger, there is a real, non-zero chance of a whole lot of people with baseball bats storming those gated communities.

When I was younger and took my first Spanish class, the teacher told us that many countries in South and Central America, where Spanish is spoken, had turbulent political histories. She explained that it was often due to wealth inequality. When you have a small but significant group of rich people and a whole lot of poor people, those at the “top” don’t tend to stay there. She then pointed to the US and its large middle class, and argued that it was one of the reasons we’ve been around for 200+ years.

Also, back in the “old days”, if you asked a kid to list jobs you’d get things like teacher, policeman, doctor, janitor, nurse, mailman, lawyer, baker, fireman and, my favorite, astronaut.

Those are wonderful, productive roles in society. Sure, the doctor and lawyer made more money, but we didn’t look down on the janitor (I can remember really liking the janitor at our elementary school and thinking he was so nice to keep our school clean). But somewhere in the last ten to twenty years, we’ve seemed to lose our way as a culture and we look down on a lot of these jobs. The message seems to be “be scared and buy shit” and success is measured on how much shit you can buy.

It’s not sustainable. In finance the idea of “grow, grow, grow!” is considered the goal. In nature it’s called “cancer”.

This is one reason I love my job. At OpenNMS our business plan is simple: spend less than you earn. The mission statement is: help customers, have fun, make money.

A lot of that comes from the fact that we base our business around open source software. One of the traditional methods for securing profit in the software industry, especially the Valley, is to lock your customers into your products so they both become reliant on them and are unable to easily switch. Then you can increase your prices and … profit!

In order to do this, you have to have a lot of secrets. Your code has to be secret, your product roadmap needs to be secret, and you have to spend a lot of money on engineering talent because you have to find highly skilled specialists to work in such an environment.

Contrast that to open source. Everything is transparent. The code is out there. The roadmap is out there. This week is the CES show in Las Vagas where products will be “unveiled”. We don’t unveil anything – you can follow the development branches in our git repository in real time. While I am lucky to work with highly skilled people, they found OpenNMS, not the other way around, because they had something to offer. Our customers pay us a fair rate for our work because if it isn’t worth it to them, they don’t have to buy it.

This has allowed OpenNMS to survive and, yes, grow, over the last decade while a number of startups have come and gone.

This transparency is important to the “open source way“. It promotes both community and participation, and it is truly a meritocracy, unlike much of the Valley. In the Valley, value is measured more by how much money you make and who you know. In open source, it is based on what you get done and how well you advance the project.

[Note: just to be fair, I know a number of very talented people in the Valley who are worth every penny they make. But I know way more people who, in no way, earn their exorbitant salaries]

Another comment that triggered this post was a tweet by John Cleese about a quote from Charlie Mayfield, the Chairman of the John Lewis Partnership which is a huge retail concern in the UK. He said “… maximisation of profit is not our goal. We aim to make sufficient profit.”

Sufficient Profit Tweet

What a novel idea.

I’m sure my comments will be easily dismissed by many as just the ranting of an old fart, similar to “get off my lawn”. But I have always wished for OpenNMS to be, above all else, something that lasts – something that survives me and something that provides value long after I’m gone. Would I like more money? Of course I would, but for longevity the focus must be on creating value and providing a great experience for those who work on the project, and the money will come.

After all, it is the experience that lasts.

The Inverter: Episode 57 – Deck the Blockchains

The last Bad Voltage of 2015 is a long one. Bryan is out sick, which is surprising since he only misses the shows with which I’m involved, so I guess he was really sick this time.

Since the first BV episode of the year includes predictions, the last one of the year is used to measure how well the guys did, and this was the topic of the first part of the program.

Aq predicted that mobile phone payments via NFC (such as Apple Pay and Android Pay) would increase greatly. They did, but by more than an order of magnitude than the amount he predicted. I’m not sure why he didn’t get credit for this one since he was correct, he just missed a zero at the end. He also predicted that Steam game consoles would be a big success. One of the issues with measuring these predictions is that it is hard to get verifiable numbers, but they all agreed that had Steam shipped a million consoles they would have mentioned it.

His “extry credit” prediction was that Canonical would get bought. They didn’t, so Aq didn’t do so well overall.

Then they moved on to Jono. He predicted there would be a large migration away from traditional sources of video, such as cable television and satellite, to streaming services such as Netflix and Hulu. This was again hard to verify (remember the quote that there are lies, damned lies and statistics). I think one of the reasons is that, especially in the case of cable, the vendors bundle so much together that it is usually cheaper to get television included as part of a package instead of just going Internet-only. Considering how many people talk about shows that are only available via streaming services and how clients for those services are now ubiquitous in televisions, it seems to be a safe bet that people are spending more of their time watching those services, at the cost of traditional shows, but it is very hard to measure with any level of objectivity.

Speaking of televisions, Jono also predicted a surge in 4K televisions to the point that they would be available for $500 or less. I haven’t seen it. The content is just not there yet, and while, yes, you can buy a 4K TV on Amazon for less than US$500, no one who really cared about the quality of that picture would buy one. The best 4K TV recommended by Wirecutter is still nearly US$1600.

So I don’t think he should get credit for that one.

His extra prediction was a large increase in “connected homes”. This was vague enough to be impossible to measure, but with products like those from Nest becoming more popular, it seems inevitable. I think there was definitely a jump in 2015, but then again going from nearly zero to only a handful would still be a huge increase, percentage-wise. I think it will be some time before a majority of homes in the US are “connected” in an Internet of Things fashion.

Jeremy’s predictions were next. He predicted that laptop and desktop computer sales would actually go up after years of decline, and while the rate of decline slowed, this was a miss.

The guys gave him his second one, which was that wireless charging for portable devices would become the norm (with a notable exception in Apple). While I’m charging my Nexus 6 right now on a TYLT charger, the latest generation of Nexus phones do not support wireless charging, and with the introduction of USB-C and “fast charging” I think wireless charging has peaked. Still, he got credit for it, so I think Aq should get credit for his mobile payments prediction.

Jeremy had two bonus predictions. One was that the markets would both see a peak in the NASDAQ index (which happened) as well as a correction of more than 10% (which also happened). His prediction of an Uber IPO did not happen, however.

Bryan wasn’t around to defend his predictions, but in the first case it was the opposite of Aq’s prediction that Steam consoles would be a huge success with the prediction that they would ship zero units. That didn’t happen, of course.

He also predicted that Ubuntu phone sales would be minor compared to other “open source” handset units such as those from Jolla. While no one would claim the Ubuntu phone was a runaway success, from what can be guessed from various sales figures, it seems to have sold about as well as the options.

Finally, his bonus prediction would be that ChromeOS would be able to run all Android apps natively. That, too, didn’t happen. It would have been interesting to hear his analysis of his performance, but he was pretty blunt in that he totally expected to lose.

So, Jeremy wins.

The second segment was a bit heady even for these guys. It concerns an announcement by the Linux Foundation to promote the creation of “block chain” tools.

Now, I kind of think I have my brain around block chains, but don’t expect me to explain them. It was invented as part of the bitcoin protocol, and it is a type of ledger database that can confirm transactions and resist tampering. This can be useful, since it provides a very distributed and public way of running a list of transactions, but there is not requirement that the block chains themselves be made public.

The idea is that we could promote this for use in, say, banking, and it could both improve speed and reliability.

I’m not sure it made a great topic for the show, however. This is esoteric stuff, and for once there were a lot of pregnant pauses in the discussion. I think the overall consensus was that this is a Good Thing™ but that in practical use the data won’t be very open.

The next segment was a review of the Titan USB cable – a hardened USB cable to resist damage. While not bad for a last minute substitution since Bryan was unavailable to do his originally scheduled review, I thought the discussion went on way too long on an already long show. TL;DR: – break a lot of USB cables? You might want to check this out. No? Don’t worry about it.

While the cable part of the Titan is well protected, the connector ends, a common source for failure, aren’t much different from a normal cable. Considering the cost, if you only damage a cable occasionally, it probably isn’t worth it to get a Titan.

At least it wasn’t about that $500 gold HDMI cable. The thing I love about digital is that it pretty much works or doesn’t work. I used to agonize over analog speaker cable, but cable quality is considerably less important in a purely digital realm.

The final segment concerned an apparent conflict of interest around the Linux Foundation’s role in the lawsuit involving the Software Freedom Conservancy and VMware concerning GPL violations. There are a lot of corporate interests involved with the Linux Foundation, and the general question asks if the Foundation is more concerned with protecting those interests than software freedom?

My own experience with GPL enforcement is that it is a shit job. Many people think that if the software is “free” they should be able to do whatever they want to with it, and so they don’t understand the problem when some third party decides to commercialize your hard work.

Next, discovery is a pain. If you can see the code, it is somewhat easy to determine if it was the same or different as another piece of code, but the problem with GPL enforcement is usually the code in question is closed. Discovery costs a lot of money as well, and money is not something a lot of open source projects have in abundance.

Finally, even if you have a case, getting a judge that can understand the nuances of the issue is harder still. Without such an understanding, it is both hard to win the case as well as to get damages. Even if you succeed, the remedy might just mean open sourcing part of the infringing code with no monetary damages.

When you look at it, pursuing a GPL violation is a thankless job that most projects can’t even consider. But it is incredibly important to the future of free software that those who create it have the power to determine under what conditions their work can be used. It is why we donate to the Software Free Conservancy. They are fighting the good fight, in very much a David and Goliath scenario, for the rights of everyone involved with free software. There are not many people up to that task.

For example, it appears that the car manufacturer Tesla is in violation of the GPL. Telsa is popular and well funded. There are very few people, especially those in the technology industry, who wouldn’t want to own a Tesla. So, do you want to sue them? First, they will bury you in legal procedures that will drain what little funds you have. Next, people will be mad at you for “attacking” such a cool company. Third, your chance for success is slim.

Now I don’t have any experience with the Linux Foundation. I don’t know anyone there and I’ve never been to their conferences. I think they can play an important role in acting as a bridge between traditional corporations and the free and open source software community. It seems to me that they are at a crossroads, however. If they allow large companies like VMWare to control the message, then they will eventually become just another irrelevant mouthpiece for the commercial software industry. Yes, that stand may cost them contributions in the near term, but if they truly want to represent this wonderful environment that has grown up around Linux, they have to do it.

I just went and looked up the compensation of the officers of the Linux Foundation. This is an organization with income around US$23MM per year (in 2014). The Executive Director makes about US$500K per year, the COO a little more than that, and there are a number of people making north of US$200K. In fact, of the roughly US$7.5MM salary expense, a third of that went to eight people. Considering that much of the Linux Foundation income comes from corporate donations, I think these eight would have a strong incentive to act in a way to protect those donations, even at the expense of Linux and open source as a whole.

Let’s compare that to the Software Freedom Conservancy. For the same time period they had about US$868K in total revenue, so about 1/30th of that of the Linux Foundation. They only have one listed employee, Bradley Kuhn, with a reasonable salary of US$91K a year (with total compensation a little north of US$110K).

Who would you trust with defending your rights concerning free software? Eight people who together make more than US$2.5MM a year from corporate sponsors or one guy who makes US$100K?

It’s funny, I wasn’t very upset about this segment when I listened to it, but now that I’m investigating it more, it is starting to piss me off. I expect someone in the Valley to defend those high salaries for the Linux Foundation as part of doing business in that area, so I looked up a similar organization, the Wikimedia Foundation. Twice as large as the Linux Foundation, their Executive Director makes around US$200K/year.


I’m going to stop now since I’ll probably write something I’ll regret. For full disclosure I want to state that I’ve known Bradley Kuhn for several years, and even though we tend to disagree on almost everything, I consider him a friend. I also know that Karen Sandler has joined the Software Freedom Conservancy in a paid role in 2015, so their salary expenses will go up, but I’d bet my life that she isn’t making US$500K/year. Finally, remember that if you shop at Amazon be sure to go to and you can choose a charity to get a small portion of your purchase donated to them. I send mine to, you guessed it, the Software Freedom Conservancy.

Getting back to Bad Voltage, the show ended with a reminder that the “best Live Voltage show ever” will happen at the end of the month at the Southern California Linux Expo conference in Pasadena. You should be there.

Since the next show will be about predictions for 2016, I’m going to throw my two into the ring.

First, a well known cloud service will experience a large security breach that will make national headlines. I won’t point out possible targets for fear of getting sued, but it has to happen eventually and I pick this to be the year.

Second, by Christmas, consumer virtual reality will be the “it” gift. We’re not there yet, but I got to play with a Samsung Gear VR headset over the holidays and I was impressed. It is a more polished version of Google Cardboard although still based on a phone, and it is developed by Oculus, the current leaders in this type of technology.

While the resolution isn’t great yet, the potential is staggering. I watched demos that included a “fly along” with the Blue Angels, and although the resolution reminded me of early editions of Microsoft’s Flight Simulator, it was cool if not a little nauseating.

There was a Myst-like game called “Lands End” that was also enjoyable, although once again the low resolution detracted from the experience.

Then I played Anshar Wars. It was a near perfect VR experience. A first-person space shooter, you fly around and dogfight with the bad guys while dodging asteroids and picking up power-ups. No headaches, no complaints about resolution, it was something I could have played for hours. Note that it helped to be in a swivel chair ’cause you swing around a lot.

So those are my predictions. Since I doubt I’ll have the stamina to keep up with these posts, I’ll probably never revisit them, but the chance will improve if I’m right.

♫ Don’t Call It a Comeback ♫

Welcome to 2016. My year started out with an invitation to join the AARP. (sigh)

As my three readers know, when it comes to this business of open source we are pretty much making things up as we go along. We are lead by our business plan of “spend less money than you earn” and our mission statement of “help customers, have fun, make money” but the rest is pretty fluid.

In 2013 we mixed things up and tried a more “traditional” start up path by seeking out investment and spending more money than we had. It didn’t work out so well.

Thus 2014 was more of a rebuilding year as we tried to move the focus back to our roots. It paid off, as 2015 was a very good year. We had record gross revenues, and although we didn’t make much money on the bottom line, it was positive once again. At the moment we are still investing in the company and the project so pretty much every extra dollar goes into growth.

And we had a lot of growth. The decision to split OpenNMS into Meridian and Horizon paid off in three major Horizon releases. Horizon 17 was an especially large and important release as it brought in the Newts integration. At the moment we are working with it on a customer site using a ScyllaDB cluster capable of supporting 75K inserts per second. The technologies introduced in 2015 will make it in to Meridian 2016, due in the spring, and it should solidify OpenNMS as a platform that can really scale.

In 2015 we also received orders from two of the Fortune 5 companies. I’ll leave it as an exercise to the reader to guess which two and you have a 1 in 16 shot at getting it right (grin). The fact that companies that can choose, literally, any technology they want yet they choose OpenNMS speaks volumes.

One of these days we’re going to have to figure out a way to talk about our customers by name, since they are all so cool. We are working on it, but it is surprisingly difficult to get permission to publicly post that information. Above all we respect our clients’ privacy.

I have high expectations for 2016 and the power of the Open Source Way. Thanks to everyone who has supported us over the last decade and more, and we just hope you find our efforts provide some value.

Happy New Year.

The Inverter: Episode 56 – Moon Pigeons

A bit more navel-gazing than normal, the latest Bad Voltage clocks in at nearly 90 minutes. Whew.

It was nice that Jeremy was back, and I found it hilarious that in the past two weeks he hadn’t bothered to listen to the show he missed. Considering the fact that that show was one of the shortest of the year, I guess we know who is doing all the talking. Or, as Jono points out, Jeremy is the one who clutters up everything with facts. I thought Aq’s audio was a bit off at the beginning (it sounded like he was down a well) but it seemed to get better as the show progressed.

The first segment concerned the failure of open source mobile projects like FireOS and Jolla. I thought this bit ran long, but there were some gems to be had. Bryan was talking about running Linux on tiny mobile devices for which he was mercilessly teased, but I had to agree with him. While I would never want to be forced to run LibreOffice exclusively on a device the size of my Nexus 6, sometimes it would be nice to be able to do quick edits on the go. I hate using ssh on my handy, but when I need it, I need it.

Jono points out that a lot of people tie their personal identity to their mobile devices. A lot of the way people interact with each other these days is through SMS, Facebook and Instagram, and the constant use of an iPhone or an Android phone can cause people to get very attached to them. Any new challenger to the iOS/Android juggernaut has to not only support those apps, they have to overcome the fact that people (to some degree myself included) have strong ties to their technology choices. Unlike how OpenStack disrupted the nascent cloud market, it seems to be hard for open source projects to do the same in the mobile arena, and I had to laugh when Aq suggested replacing “disrupt” with “f*ck up”.

It was pointed out that if companies like Microsoft who can throw tens of billions of dollars at a market can only garner a little over 2% market share, it is doubtful that a new open source project would have better success.

On a side note, I just spend a few days up on the Eastern Shore of Maryland and the client liked to use Surface Pro tablets. I got to see them in action, and they are pretty amazing – for many they could be a laptop replacement just like the ads suggest. But I doubt that Microsoft is going to dent iPad sales just because of the brand Apple has built. Often it is not the superior technology that wins.

The second segment was a review of a couple of security cameras that Jeremy was trying out: the Arlo by Netgear and the Guardian DCS-2630L by D-link.

I have a couple of cameras at my place, although I don’t have the budget of these guys. Inside buildings I have the D-Link (DCS-5010L) which is a great little camera. It does pan and tilt and works in low light conditions. Since it wouldn’t do well outside, I have the Agasio A602W which is no longer available.

Why neither of them are totally wireless (i.e. you have to plug them in) they are both supported via open source tools like Zoneminder, although with the purchase of my Synology box I just use the Surveillance Station app that comes with that. It can continuously record, record only when motion is detected, etc., and you can set how much video to store per camera. I really dislike the thought of video from my house going “to the cloud” so I love the fact that I can control where it goes, and Synology has a mobile app that lets me access the video whenever I want it (plus, my DSL upstream would suck for constantly uploading video). The Arlo does seem to be compatible with the Surveillance Station, so as Jeremy’s pick I might have to try one out.

[UPDATE: WCCFTech is full of crap amd the Arlo is not compatible with the Surveillance Station]

One last comment from Aq brings up a coming issue with the Internet of Things. All of these toys should play nice together, but often they don’t. He calls it “IoT lockout” but I like “Internet of Silos” (i.e. Z-Wave vs. ZigBee). I do like how most of these cameras have a web interfaces where the video stream can be accessed by a URL, which means third party tools can access and integrate with them, but I can expect vendors to start locking stuff like that down to force people into their own particular cloud infrastructure.

The third segment concerned the “Luna Ring” – an idea started a few years ago by a Japanese engineering firm to ring the moon with solar panels and beam the energy back to Earth via microwave and lasers. I did laugh out loud at Jono’s comment that the name sounds like a contraceptive device.

Odd names aside, I think this is both a cool idea and one that will never happen. The guys point out some of the obvious flaws, but I can’t help but think of the resistance the world would have to high powered beams of light focused on points on the Earth. Sounds like something a James Bond villain would think up.

I did get embarrassed for my home state when it was brought up that the town of Woodland, NC, recently voted down zoning for a solar farm. The click-bait reason given was that one citizen pointed out that solar farms would “suck up all the energy from the sun”.


The actual story is a little more involved. There are already three solar farms in the area surrounding a local substation, so the town is obviously not anti-solar. Small towns like Woodland are getting hit hard with the decline of manufacturing, so I can see the residents there being frightened and looking for a scapegoat. Still, I had to be embarrassed by some of the comments, and it is obvious our educational system needs some work (but that’s a totally different topic).

One person commented that the solar panels were killing the plants. That reminded me of a project my friend Lyle produced called “solar double-cropping“.

As I write this, it is over 72F (22C) on Christmas Eve, the hottest Christmas Eve on record. Our climate is changing and plants that used to thrive are having issues. The idea of solar double-cropping is to use shade from solar panels to help those plants while generating electricity.

And yes, they came up with it in North Carolina.

The final segment was a “year in review”. The guys lamented the lack of innovation, but there were some good things, too. As a “freetard” (someone who runs open source software almost exclusively) I had to agree with Aq that those of us who feel this way are having to compromise less and less as the open source options get better (although I still have to tease him about the compromise he made for his closed source One Plus X phone).

We saw high definitions pictures of Pluto. I’m still amazed that nine years ago, we as a civilization chucked a bunch of metal up into space and it managed to rendezvous with a planetoid without major issues. We lobbed another piece of metal at a comet, and while not as successful it was still quite a feat.

In entertainment, the amazing Mr. Robot television series offered us a portrayal of hacking that wasn’t totally made up.

Speaking of entertainment, the show closed with a reminder that Live Voltage will be happening at next month’s SCaLE conference. If you can, you should go, and they are still accepting ideas for “upSCALE” talks. From their latest e-mail:

UpSCALE Talks: There is still room for an UpSCALE Talk or two – UpSCALE Talks are held in the style of Ignite presentations offered at various O’Reilly-sponsored events where participants are given five minutes with 20 automatically-advancing slides. Those interested in submitting an UpSCALE Talk can submit through the SCALE CFP system – scale/14x/cfp – and mark your talk with the UpSCALE tag.

So that’s it for 2015. I’m off to put on some shorts and sunscreen. ♫ Oh the weather outside is frightful … ♫

Mint 17.3 (Rosa) on the Dell XPS 13 (9343)

I’m a big fan of the Dell XPS 13. It is the first laptop I’ve felt an emotional attachment to since my first Powerbook. The only issue is that I have not been able to run my distro of choice, Linux Mint, due to severe issues with the trackpad.

Mint on XPS

With the release of Mint 17.3 (Rosa) I decided to give it another shot. I burned the image to a USB stick and booted to it, and the trackpad issues were gone.


So I based my system and installed Mint. I did have to use a wired network connection since the Broadcom drivers don’t seem to work on install (there is probably a way around that) but once installed they were easy to enable.

One thing I liked about Mint when I had installed it previously was that it recognized the HiDPI screen of the XPS right away. Even though the “What’s New” page says that HiDPI detection has been improved in 17.3, I found that it had regressed and I needed to squint to get the O/S installed. Once I did, however, I was able to go to Settings -> General and switch to HiDPI mode and everything was fine.

Mint HiDPI Setting

Now, the XPS hardware is so new that it really requires a 4.2 kernel. I decided to install it. No biggie, since I had to do it with Ubuntu 15.04, but I’ll be happy when Mint 18 comes out and it is supported natively (you have to do some apt magic to ignore kernel updates). Once installed, my wireless connection failed to work, and that’s where the fun began.

Usually, all I had to do was reinstall the bcmwl-kernel-source package, but this kept failing with an error. I even built the package from source but while it built just fine, DKMS would fail when installing it, complaining about “-fstack-protector-strong”. Turns out this was added in gcc 4.9 and Mint 17.3 ships with gcc 4.8.


Anyway, not hard to fix. I ran the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get install gcc-4.9
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.9 70

and now gcc 4.9 was my default compiler. I then rebuilt and installed the bcmwl-kernel-source pacakge and things were golden.

$ modinfo wl
filename:       /lib/modules/4.2.6-040206-generic/updates/wl.ko
license:        MIXED/Proprietary
srcversion:     D46E6565F844EFBD46CE0FC
alias:          pci:v*d*sv*sd*bc02sc80i*
depends:        cfg80211
vermagic:       4.2.6-040206-generic SMP mod_unload modversions 
parm:           passivemode:int
parm:           wl_txq_thresh:int
parm:           oneonly:int
parm:           piomode:int
parm:           instance_base:int
parm:           nompc:int
parm:           intf_name:string

Just like with Ubuntu Gnome, I did have to manually install the bluetooth driver, but at the moment everything seems to work: wireless, bluetooth, the touchscreen, the clickpad, sleep, backlit keyboard, etc.

Now I use a desktop as my primary machine, so I haven’t really taken the XPS through its paces, but I’m scheduled to travel soon and I’ll be sure to post if I have any issues. I did enable the screensaver and once when I came back to the machine my mouse pointer was gone (the mouse still worked, you just couldn’t see the pointer) and I was unable to fix it without a restart (I tried the suggestions in Google but it didn’t work). For now I’ve just disabled the screensaver.

All in all, great work from the Mint team, and while I actually enjoyed my time with Ubuntu Gnome I’m happy to be back. Looking forward to Mint 18 in the Spring which should require less effort to run on the XPS with built-in support for the 4 series kernel.

OpenNMS Horizon 17 Released

I am extremely happy to announce the availability of OpenNMS Horizon 17. This marks the fourth major release of OpenNMS in a little over a year, and I’m extremely proud of the team for moving the project so far forward so quickly.

There is a lot in this release. One of the major things is support for a new storage backend based on the Newts project. This will enable OpenNMS to basically store unlimited amounts of time-series data. The only thing missing, which should completed soon, is a way to convert all of your old RRD-based data to Newts. Since it will take people awhile to get a Newts/Cassandra instance set up, we didn’t want to hold the rest of the release until this was done. If you are installing OpenNMS from scratch and don’t have any legacy data, the Newts integration is ready to go now.

The team is also making great strides in improving the documentation. There is a better version of the Release Notes there.

Horizon 17 will form the basis for Meridian 2016, which we expect in early spring. The next Horizon release will contain the completed Minion functionality, which adds the ability to distribute OpenNMS so that, along with Newts, OpenNMS will have nearly limitless scalability.

Not bad for a free software product, eh? Remember you can always play with the latest and greatest of any OpenNMS development branch just by installing the desired repository.

Anyway, enjoy, and I’ll be sure to post when the RRD converter is available.


  • [NMS-5613] – odd index "ifservicves_ipinterfaceid_idx" in database – typo?
  • [NMS-5946] – JMX Config Tool CLI is not packaged correctly
  • [NMS-6012] – Statsd randomly looks for storeByForeignSource rrds
  • [NMS-6478] – 'Overall Service Availability' bad info in case of nodeDown / nodeUp transition
  • [NMS-6493] – Running online report "Response Time Summary for node" produces Unexpected Error
  • [NMS-6555] – Outdated Quartz URL in provisiond-configuration.xml file
  • [NMS-6803] – Not evaluating threshold for data collected by HttpCollector
  • [NMS-6927] – test failure: org.opennms.web.alarm.filter.AlarmRepositoryFilterTest
  • [NMS-6942] – test failure: org.opennms.web.svclayer.DefaultOutageServiceIntegrationTest
  • [NMS-6944] – When building the "Early Morning Report" I get a "null" dataset argument Exception.
  • [NMS-7000] – Early Morning Report will not run correctly without any nodes in OpenNMS
  • [NMS-7001] – Availability by node report needs a "No Data for Report" Section
  • [NMS-7024] – Event Translator cant translate events with update-field data present
  • [NMS-7095] – Topology Map does not show selected focus in IE
  • [NMS-7254] – MigratorTest fails on two of the 3 tests.
  • [NMS-7407] – Inconsistent naming in Admin/System Information
  • [NMS-7411] – Fonts are too small in link detail page
  • [NMS-7417] – Fix header and list layout glitches in the WebUI
  • [NMS-7459] – Dashboard node status shows wrong service count
  • [NMS-7516] – XML Collector is not working as expected for node-level resources
  • [NMS-7600] – build failure in opennms-doc/guide-doc on FreeBSD
  • [NMS-7649] – etc folder still contains references to capsd
  • [NMS-7667] – Vaadin dashboard meaning of yellow in the surveillance view
  • [NMS-7679] – overrides
  • [NMS-7680] – JMX Configuration Generator admin page fails
  • [NMS-7693] – Example Drools rules imports incorrect classes
  • [NMS-7695] – Logging not initialized but used on Drools Rule files.
  • [NMS-7702] – Problems on graphs for 10 gigabit interface
  • [NMS-7703] – Database Report – Statement correction
  • [NMS-7709] – Building OpenNMS results in a NullPointerException on module "container/features"
  • [NMS-7723] – PSQLException: column "nodeid" does not exist when using manage/unmanage services
  • [NMS-7728] – Add support for jrrd2
  • [NMS-7729] – Log messages for the Correlation Engine appear in manager.log
  • [NMS-7736] – bug in EventBuilder method setParam()
  • [NMS-7739] – Unit tests fail for loading data collection
  • [NMS-7748] – SeleniumMonitor with PhantomJS driver needs gson JAR
  • [NMS-7750] – Cannot edit some Asset Info fields
  • [NMS-7755] – c.m.v.a.ThreadPoolAsynchronousRunner: com.mchange.v2.async.ThreadPoolAsynchronousRunner$DeadlockDetector@59804d53 — APPARENT DEADLOCK!!! Creating emergency threads for unassigned pending tasks!
  • [NMS-7762] – noSuchObject duplicates links on topology map
  • [NMS-7764] – Error when you drop sequence vulnnxtid
  • [NMS-7766] – Incorrect unit divisor in LM-SENSORS-MIB graph definitions
  • [NMS-7770] – HttpRemotingContextTest is an integration test and needs to be renamed as such
  • [NMS-7771] – Fix unit tests to run also on non-US locale systems.
  • [NMS-7772] – JMX Configuration Generator (webUI) is not working anymore
  • [NMS-7777] – node detail page failure
  • [NMS-7778] – Measurements ReST API broken in develop (CXF)
  • [NMS-7785] – OSGi-based Web Modules Not Accessible
  • [NMS-7791] – OSGi-based web applications are unaccesible
  • [NMS-7794] – Cannot load events page in 17
  • [NMS-7802] – JSON Serialization Broken in REST API (CXF)
  • [NMS-7814] – Queued RRD updates are no longer promoted when rendering graphs
  • [NMS-7816] – The DataCollectionConfigDao returns all resource types, even if they are not used in any data collection package.
  • [NMS-7818] – Measurements ReST API Fails on strafeping
  • [NMS-7819] – Requesting IPv6 resources on measurements rest endpoint fails
  • [NMS-7822] – Remove Access Point Monitor service from service configuration
  • [NMS-7824] – The reload config for Collectd might throws a ConcurrentModificationException
  • [NMS-7826] – Exception in Vacuumd because of location monitor changes
  • [NMS-7828] – NPE on "manage and unmanage services and interfaces"
  • [NMS-7834] – Smoke tests failing because OSGi features fail to install: "The framework has been shutdown"
  • [NMS-7835] – "No session" error during startup in EnhancedLinkdTopologyProvider
  • [NMS-7836] – KIE API JAR missing from packages
  • [NMS-7839] – Counter variables reported as strings (like Net-SNMP extent) are not stored properly when using RRDtool
  • [NMS-7844] – Some database reports are broken (ResponseTimeSummary, etc.)
  • [NMS-7845] – New Provisioning UI: 401 Error when creating a new requisition
  • [NMS-7847] – Graph results page broken when zooming
  • [NMS-7848] – Parameter descriptions are not shown anymore
  • [NMS-7852] – UnsupportedOperationException when using the JMXSecureCollector
  • [NMS-7855] – distributed details page broken
  • [NMS-7856] – Default log4j2.xml has duplicate syslogd appender, missing statsd entries
  • [NMS-7857] – Cisco Packets In/Out legend label wrong
  • [NMS-7858] – Enlinkd CDP code fails to parse hex-encoded IP address string
  • [NMS-7861] – IpNetToMedia Hibernate exception in enlinkd.log
  • [NMS-7867] – Duplicate Drools engines can be registered during Spring context refresh()
  • [NMS-7870] – PageSequenceMonitor broken in remote poller
  • [NMS-7874] – The remote poller doesn't write to the log file when running in headless mode
  • [NMS-7875] – Distributed response times are broken
  • [NMS-7877] – HttpClient ignores socket timeout
  • [NMS-7884] – RTC Ops Board category links are broken
  • [NMS-7890] – Remedy Integration: the custom code added to the Alarm Detail Page is gone.
  • [NMS-7893] – LazyInitializationException when querying the Measurements API
  • [NMS-7897] – Statsd PDF export gives class not found exception
  • [NMS-7899] – Deadlocks on Demo
  • [NMS-7900] – JMX Configgenerator Web UI throws NPE when navigating to 2nd page.
  • [NMS-7901] – Incorrect Fortinet System Disk Graph Definition
  • [NMS-7902] – Pages that contain many Backshift graphs are slow to render
  • [NMS-7907] – The default location for the JRRD2 JAR in is wrong.
  • [NMS-7909] – Missing dependency on the rrdtool RPM installed through
  • [NMS-7917] – Alarm detail filters get mixed up on the ops board
  • [NMS-7921] – Startup fails with Syslogd enabled
  • [NMS-7926] – FasterFilesystemForeignSourceRepository is not working as expected
  • [NMS-7930] – Heat map ReST services just produce JSON output
  • [NMS-7935] – ClassNotFoundException JRrd2Exception
  • [NMS-7939] – HeatMap ReST Xml output fails
  • [NMS-7942] – Apache CXF brakes the ReST URLs for nodes and requisitions (because of service-list-path)
  • [NMS-7944] – Jersey 1.14 and 1.5 jars mixed in lib with Jersey 1.19
  • [NMS-7945] – Incorrect attribute types in cassandra21x data collection package
  • [NMS-7948] – Bad substitution in JMS alarm northbounder component-dao wiring
  • [NMS-7959] – Bouncycastle JARs break large-key crypto operations
  • [NMS-7962] – Missing graphs in Vaadian dashboard when storeByFs=true
  • [NMS-7963] – JSoup doesn't properly parse encoded HTML character which confuses the XML Collector
  • [NMS-7964] – MBean attribute names are restricted to a specifix max length
  • [NMS-7968] – Auto-discover is completely broken – Handling newSuspect events throws an exception
  • [NMS-7969] – JMS alarm northbounder always indicates message sent
  • [NMS-7972] – Querying the ReST API for alarms using an invalid alarmId returns HTTP 200
  • [NMS-7974] – The ICMP monitor can fail, even if valid responses are received before the timeout
  • [NMS-7977] – JMX Configuration Generation misbehavior on validation error
  • [NMS-7981] – The ReST API code throws exceptions that turns into HTTP 500 for things that should be HTTP 400 (Bad Request)
  • [NMS-7985] – New servers in install guide
  • [NMS-7997] – Background of notifications bell icon is too dark
  • [NMS-7998] – Provisiond default setting does not allow to delete monitoring entities
  • [NMS-7999] – Upgrade to commons-collections 3.2.2
  • [NMS-8001] – NPE in JMXDetector
  • [NMS-8004] – Iplike could not be installed following install guide


  • [NMS-1488] – Add option to the <service> element in poller-configuration.xml to specify service-specific RRD settings
  • [NMS-1910] – Additional storeByGroup capabilities
  • [NMS-2362] – Infoblox events file
  • [NMS-3479] – Adding SNMP traps for Raytheon NXU-2A
  • [NMS-4008] – Add A10 AX load balancer trap events
  • [NMS-4364] – Interactive JMX data collection configuration UI
  • [NMS-5016] – Add Force10 Event/Traps
  • [NMS-5071] – Event definition for Juniper screening SNMP traps
  • [NMS-5272] – events definiton file for DSVIEW-TRAP-MIB
  • [NMS-5397] – Trap definition files for Evertz Multiframe and Modules
  • [NMS-5398] – Trap and data collection definitions for Ceragon FibeAir 1500
  • [NMS-5791] – New (additional) event file for NetApp filer
  • [NMS-6770] – New Fortinet datacollection / graph definition
  • [NMS-7108] – DefaultResourceDao should use RRD-API to find resources
  • [NMS-7131] – MIB support for Zertico environment sensors
  • [NMS-7191] – Implement "integration with OTRS-3.1+" feature
  • [NMS-7258] – Unit tests should be able to run successfully from the start of a compile.
  • [NMS-7404] – Create a detector for XMP
  • [NMS-7520] – Remove linkd
  • [NMS-7553] – Add Juniper SRX flow performance monitoring and default thresholds
  • [NMS-7614] – Enable real SSO via Kerberos (SPNEGO) and LDAP
  • [NMS-7618] – Create option to make dashboard the landing page
  • [NMS-7689] – Get rid of servicemap and servermap database tables
  • [NMS-7700] – Add support for Javascript-based graphs
  • [NMS-7722] – Dell Equallogic Events
  • [NMS-7768] – Persist the CdpGlobalDeviceIdFormat
  • [NMS-7798] – Add Sonicwall Firewall Events
  • [NMS-7805] – JMS Alarm Northbounder
  • [NMS-7821] – DNS Resolution against non-local resolver
  • [NMS-7868] – Recognize Cisco ASA5580-20 for SNMP data collection
  • [NMS-7949] – Promote Compass app when mobile browser detected
  • [NMS-7986] – Document how to configure RRDtool in OpenNMS


  • [NMS-7711] – nodeSource[] resource ids only work when storeByFs is enabled
  • [NMS-7894] – Flatten and improve web app style
  • [NMS-7929] – Document HeatMap ReST services
  • [NMS-7940] – Cleanup docs modules

The Inverter: Episode 55 – Faster than Lightning

I started writing these “inverter” posts because many Bad Voltage episodes would raise topics that I felt deserved commentary. By the middle segment in this episode I was screaming at the computer.

So, good show.

First, whoever decided on the cover art gets some points. It references a groaner of a pun Jono makes that gets dropped in the Intro.

Second, also in the intro, we learn that Jeremy Garcia will not be on the show due to jury duty of all things. While I’ve always considered Jeremy one of the calmer and more reasoned members of the team, since this show clocks in at scant 52 minutes maybe he’s the one who drags things out. They did stumble a bit on the whole “… and now, Bad Voltage” line so I do look forward to Jeremy’s return.

Okay, the first segment concerns the “new” economy of begging. It kind of focuses on what we would call “crowdfunding“, but as Stuart points out, crowdfunding usually means that you get something in return. However, with sites like “GoFundMe” the term has been expanded to include outright begging, as in “Dear Internet, help, can you spare a dollar for a sandwich”. A quick perusal of the site with a search in my local area brings up a number of articles ranging from a person who was defrauded by a builder, to two women who want to go to the ACC tournament, to another woman who needs help finishing her Ph.D.

I’m not saying this is a bad thing, as the sucker/minute ratio remains high, but it is a bit different from crowdfunding sites like Indiegogo and Kickstarter where the donors have a non-zero expectation of actually getting something. That is more along the lines of “new economy” than asking strangers to pay for your vacation.

So, let’s talk about those programs. I have to admit I don’t participate in them. Before you go and call me a cheapskate and a leech, I do donate a lot of money to local and free software causes, but I just don’t do it via these programs. I’ve participated in exactly two Indiegogo campaigns and one Kickstarter campaign. Let’s see how they went.

The first time was the Indiegogo campaign for the Ubuntu phone. While I am perfectly happy with my Android phone (more on that later) I support open source efforts and this seemed like a good thing. They were organized and they had realistic expectations for what it would cost. The campaign fell well short of their goal and my money was returned. All in all, I’m okay with that.

The next time was also on Indiegogo. It was for the Angel Sensor wearable health device. I have a keen interest in how my body is behaving as metrics are the key to making successful improvements. The problem is I don’t want to be sending my activity and sleep pattern information to some third party like Fitbit or Jawbone. I was very eager for an open source solution.

I’m still waiting.

Plagued by production problems and lack of communication, I have no idea if I’ll ever see the device on which I spent US$178. The one person I knew there is on “a well deserved leave”. Furthermore, I’m not sure if they are releasing the server and client code as open source, which I what I was lead to believe was the plan. Finally, the first app they wrote for it is for the iPhone of all things, which makes me think that their dedication to open source is a bit lacking. At this point in time I’ve written the whole thing off.

When the Mycroft project did the crowdfunding thing, I was sorely tempted to buy in, but my experience with Angel has made me cautious. I think a lot of technology-based projects severely underestimate what is needed to be successful. They aim low and then trumpet when their stretch goals are met, only to wake up later to the fact that it is going to be a lot harder to deliver than they thought, like the hangover after a big bender.

Please note that I’m not saying this will happen with Mycroft, I wish them all the luck in the world, it’s just that I’ll shell out a few extra ducats for the finished thing when it arrives rather than gamble.

Does anyone remember Diaspora? It was the open source, distributed Facebook. I thought the project was dead, but it is apparently still around, although the pressure of delivering on it is blamed for the suicide of one of the co-founders. Diaspora was one of the most successful Kickstarter projects at the time.

This isn’t to say that these things always fail. The “Exploding Kittens” project was phenomenal and while I haven’t played it I’ve given it as a gift and people say it is a lot of fun. This is where I think crowdfunding can shine – in creative projects where the sponsors have a huge amount of control over the product. I’ve heard of a number of successful movie, music and video projects that were crowdfunded without problems.

Which brings me to my one foray into Kickstarter. I’m a huge fan of the band De La Soul. To me they were the first nerdcore hip-hop group. When hip-hop seemed solely focused on “bitches ‘n hos,” De La Soul was delivering thoughtful, fun and energetic music. When they announced their Kickstarter for a new album, I signed up and ordered the album to be digitally delivered on a 1GB Posdnuos USB drive set for September delivery.

Well, it ain’t here. (grin)

I really don’t mind – I’d rather the album ship when it is ready (probably next Spring) than for them to release crap on time but I’m basically 0-3 on the whole crowdfunding thing.

I was thinking about this when the second segment started with Aq reviewing his new One Plus X (OPX) phone, giving it a 9 out of 10.

This is when I started yelling.

See, while I have zero experience with the OPX I bought a One Plus One (OPO) and I found One Plus to be one of the most horrible companies on the planet.

I was first introduced to the OPO by some friends in Germany. Here was a powerful phone in an attractive package at a reasonable price. It also ran open source software in the form of a version of Cyanogenmod, a packaged instance of the Android Open Source Project (AOSP). Finally, it was relatively inexpensive. Too good to be true?

It was.

They have an “invite” system in order to even buy the phone, but I managed to wrangle one. While I thought the phone was too big initially, I got used to it and soon I was telling everyone how great it was, just like Stuart does in his review.

But then things started to go sour. The upper half of the digitizer started acting up and so I opened a ticket with support. This is when One Plus started to lie and cheat, trying to wrangle out of the fact that they had a hardware problem. The problem has one topic on their forums that had 125 pages of posts before they closed it, and another that is at 305 pages as I write this. That’s 305 pages of pure horror stories.

So when I say lie, we all know that One Plus is a tiny Chinese firm, yet all of my support replies came from “different” people with traditionally English female names, like Kathy, Leah and Jessa. I think this was a tactic to make us more sympathetic to them since they knew they were going to provide crappy support.

When I say cheat, they refused to honor warranty support and kept asking me to perform a number of increasingly complex tasks culminating in disassembling my phone. When I refused, fearing I would damage it, they refused service, even when I offered to send it to them at my expense.

In my mind, One Plus is pure scum and no one should buy their products. I came extremely close to launching a class action lawsuit against them before I decided I had better things to do than to sue a company that won’t be around in five years.

Seriously, if I had to choose solely between an iPhone and a One Plus phone I’d grab the iPhone so fast I’d break my fingers. Finally, their new OxygenOS is closed source so you are up the same creek as if you had bought a Samsung or other closed Android phone.

So I’m screaming at the computer because I know Aq’s “9 out of 10” review will move people to consider buying one. Don’t! Aq has hooked up with the same skank that did me wrong, and while part of me wishes them well, I know it will end in misery.

But what are the options, you might ask. Samsung is expensive and closed, Google is getting more and more closed, and so perhaps One Plus is the least of the evils.

There are options, but Stuart’s will be pretty limited since he seems to have two huge prejudices. First, he expresses disdain for hold people who root their phones. This is odd, since I don’t think he’d have any issue with buying a laptop that shipped with Windows and putting Linux on it, and this is, after all, a podcast about things hackable. Second, he seems to dislike anyone with a “big” phone.

I love the alternative ROM crowd. These are the true AOSP disciples, and my favorite ROM is OmniROM. I love OmniROM so much that when I need a new phone I work backwards. I start with the list of officially supported OmniROM devices and make my choice from there. While I closely identify with the philosophy behind OmniROM (it was started as a fork from Cyanogenmod when they got tons of VC money and went evil), what I love are the options. You can choose just how many or how few applications you want from the Google ecosystem, which allows you to easily limit what to want to share (note that this is available with almost any alternative ROM), and they turn on a lot of things Google doesn’t, such as “shake to dismiss” in the alarm.

As for size, when I unpacked my OPO I thought the thing was huge. I was using an HTC One and it seemed tiny in comparison. It took me about two days to get used to it. When I replaced the OPO because they are huge douches (or whatever is Chinese for douche) I went with the Nexus 6. Now that is a huge phone, and I’m sure Aq will belittle it.

Know what? After about two days of using it, it felt normal. I love my Nexus 6 running OmniROM. The large screen allowed me to retire my Nexus 7 since I can comfortably watch videos on it when traveling. It has an amazing camera, is extremely fast and gets all the latest Android shiny. In fact, I was amazed that when the new Nexus phones came out I found myself asking myself why in the world would I switch? Plus the Nexus 6 still has wireless charging, which I’ve become used to.

I think Aq’s size issues stem from the fact that everyone thinks that if someone is using a phone bigger than the one they use, those people are crazy. If he spent a week with a Nexus 6, I’m sure his mind would change. Now, he’s given up freedom for a pretty face with a cheap price tag.

Now it seems like I’m picking on Stuart a lot, but I don’t mean to be mean. I love the guy and I want him to be happy, but that little tramp will only bring misery. Mark my words.

If One Plus did you wrong, let him know, but I think it is too late. As with every doomed relationship, when you are in it you can’t see it coming.


After the first two, the last segment was pretty conflict free. It concerns the US Department of Justice wanting to force Apple to unlock a phone. I thought this case raised a couple of interesting points.

First the reason they want to force Apple to do it instead of the owner is to avoid the issues of self-incrimination. I never really thought about that before, but it is good to know.

Second, the DoJ is using the logic that since Apple still owns the software on the phone, they should be able to unlock it. Most people (well, non-software people) don’t know or realize that they don’t own most of the software they use. They have just been granted a right to use it. Now Apple (and Google) are taking steps to encrypt phones so even they can’t unlock them. This case involved an older iPhone, but it does make the case for using free software and kudos to Apple for fighting the order.

While there may be a fine line as far as “ownership” is concerned, free and open source software is much more in the hands of the user (you don’t pay for it) so you may have additional protections against self-incrimination when you use it. I am not a lawyer, but it is fun to think about.

The show ended with a reminder that the next Live Voltage show will be at SCaLE in January. I also learned why Bryan missed our little post-show gathering last year – he went to bed.

And here I thought he hated me.

2015 Open Source Monitoring Conference

Once again I got to visit the wonderful town of Nürnberg, Germany, for the Open Source Monitoring Conference.

OSMC - Badge

Hosted by Netways, the conference started out ten years ago as a Nagios conference. The name was changed due to an issue with the Nagios trademark, but it still focused heavily on Nagios. However, the organizers are pretty open to all things monitoring, so they started inviting projects like Zabbix and OpenNMS to come. When the Nagios fork Icinga was created, the amount of Nagios content dropped considerably, and out of 24 talks over 2 days there were only two that had Nagios in the title. Part of this has to do with Icinga 2 being a total rewrite and thus has started to move past its Nagios roots.

This year it was a cornucopia of monitoring choices. In addition to Icinga, Zabbix and OpenNMS, there was Alyvix, Assimilation, Heroic, and Prometheus. Grafana was popular and most tools are adding support for that data visualization tool, and it was nice to see talks on NSClient++ and MQTT. A little less than half the talks were in German, so there is a large German focus to the conference, but there was always an English-language talk available as well.

Nürnberg is a cool town. There is a big castle and lots of walls are left over from the original fortifications for the city. It is also home to SuSE Linux, and I made sure to swing by if just to get a picture for Bryan Lunduke:

OSMC - SuSE Office

Ronny and I got there on Monday. While the main conference is held over two days, this year there were workshops on Monday and a “hack-a-thon” on Thursday. The conference pretty much takes over the Holiday Inn, City Center, hotel. While the facilities are nice, it is right next to the city’s “eros center” which seems to creep closer and closer to the hotel each year I attend. It doesn’t impact the conference in any way, and those who might be sensitive to such things can easily avoid it.

There is always lavish catering and this year we had a nice, small crowd of OpenNMS enthusiasts in attendance, and we met up for the hosted dinner on Monday night. I had not seen some of the people since the OUCE, so it was nice to catch up.

My talk was on Tuesday, the first day of the main conference. The event was sold out, with about 250 people, and at times the rooms could get quite full.

OSMC - Crowd

The talks were all rather good. Torkel Ödegaard talked about Grafana:

OSMC - Grafana

which was a big hit with crowd, and as I mentioned before a lot of projects are leveraging his work to provide better data visualization, including OpenNMS. My talk went well (I think) as I went over all of the amazing things we’ve done since last year at the OSMC, which included four major releases of our application. I was stumped with the question “How do I get started with OpenNMS?” when I realized that I didn’t have an easy answer. I can tell you how to install it, but that doesn’t get you started. I need to work on that.

That evening we returned to Terminal 90, which is an odd place to hold a dinner but it seems to work. Terminal 90 is a restaurant located at the Nürmberg airport, and it does a good job of holding everyone. We have to take the U-bahn to get there, and at least this year there were no incidents (last year someone tried to hold open the doors, which caused the autonomous train to shut down and wait for human intervention).

OSMC - Terminal 90

The food and drinks were good, and toward the end of the evening they had woman impersonating German pop star Helene Fischer, which was lost on me but the crowd seemed to enjoy it.

I called it a night fairly early, but this is a group that tends to hang out until the wee hours of the morning. Although my room was on the first floor, I didn’t hear much noise from “Checkpoint Jenny” across the street, so maybe everyone is getting more mellow in their old age. (grin)

The second day featured a number of talks from different projects. Usually the Zabbix talk is done by Rihards Olups, but he was unable to make it this year so Wolfgang Alper did the honors.

OSMC - Zabbix

After that was a really good talk by Martin Parm on how Spotify monitors its music service.

OSMC - Spotify

It started out with all of the tools they tried that failed, and I kept thinking to myself “don’t let it be OpenNMS, don’t let it be OpenNMS” (it wasn’t) and ended with a tool they wrote in-house called Heroic. It is a time-series data store built on top of Cassandra, and it looks a lot like the Newts tool we built. Both are open source and Apache-licensed so I’m hoping to find some synergy between the two projects. There is another large music streaming service that uses OpenNMS, but maybe we can get all of them (grin).

OSMC - Prometheus

Then there was a talk by Fabian Reinhartz on a monitoring system called Prometheus. I had to joke that the name refers to the daily experience of most network managers of having their liver eaten out, but it seems like an interesting tool. Written in Go, it may find resistance from users due to the configuration being more like writing code, but that also makes it powerful. Sounds familiar to me.

I had to leave right after lunch in order to be ready to catch my flight home, but I really enjoyed my time there, even more than usual. Many thanks to Bernd Erk and the Netways gang for holding it, and they should be posting the videos soon. If you are interested in next year be sure to register early as it is likely to sell out again.

The Inverter: Episode 54 – The Trolley Problem

Throw out the first segment, and this is one of the best Bad Voltage episodes yet.

It’s not that the first segment sucks (well, for certain values of “suck”), but it pales in comparison to the rest of the show.

That first bit concerns a rant, introduced by Aq, about a trend in programming to rely on “frameworks” instead of actually learning how to code in a particular language. It was set off, as I understand it, by someone wanting to know how to add together two numbers using JQuery, and the response was, uh, why don’t you just add the numbers together using Javascript?

I can understand the frustration. There was a recent rant by Linus Torvalds about a pull request submitted against the kernel that was unnecessarily obtuse. As the pressure mounts to get more and more code out faster and faster, not only are novice programmers being asked to do more complex tasks, they are relying more and more on frameworks and libraries to do them.

While I am not a coder, I do view the writing of code as an art form, and I like code that is artistic: beautiful, clever and functional. I can remember many years ago visiting an especially ugly page on a government website, and when I looked at the source I found it had been generated by Microsoft Frontpage. Yes, that tool would create a web page, but in no way will the code be beautiful or clever, or in this case, functional.

I was not sure if this rant applied to IDEs. Almost all OpenNMS code is done in Eclipse. I think I’m the only one who uses vi, along with healthy amounts of recursive grep. We also use a lot of libraries. Why reinvent the wheel? Of course, this has caused the size of the OpenNMS application to balloon, currently pushing more than half a gigabyte. But space is relatively cheap and time matters, so why not?

I thought it very telling when Aq decided he disliked code that involved any level of abstraction above what he was using. It reminded me of the old George Carlin joke that anyone who drives faster than you is a maniac, while anyone who drives slower than you is an idiot. I did like it when they reminisced about classic code that was very compact and just plain fast. These days we trade speed of completion for speed of execution. My own memory is of running Mac OS 6 on one double sided (800K) floppy. I could put the O/S, MacPaint, MacDraw and MacWrite all on one disk will about 100K left for my files. I couldn’t afford a Mac back then (they ran about US$5K) but the school had ones you could use and all I needed to carry was that disk.

The next segment talked about the Blue Yeti microphone. I bought one of these specifically for the time I was on Bad Voltage, so there must be something in the water about this show and owning one. I was a little confused, however, when the segment starts and Jono states he bought his as a travel mic. This sucker is huge, and as I like to travel as light as possible I can’t imagine dragging it around. However, as the segment continues, it is obvious we are talking about the same mic.

It is a great device. While I like getting input from the gang on which toys to buy, my go-to source for tech advice is The Wirecutter, and the Yeti is their microphone of choice as well. If you plan on recording for the Internet, you should seriously consider getting one of these.

It is the third segment that I thought was brilliant. I’m not sure who came up with the idea, but the discussion centered around ethics programming in self-driving cars. While I disagree with Jeremy that this is something that will need to be figured out before these vehicles become mainstream, it will be a question in need of an answer as they mature.

The scenario offered is this: You are in your self-driving car going along a mountain road. Suddenly, you turn a corner and there are five people in the way. Assuming the car can detect this, should it continue on, protecting the passenger but possibly killing the five people, or should it drive over the side of the cliff, killing the passenger but saving the people in the road?

Wow – what a neat question.

I have no idea of the correct answer. It did dawn on me (as it did the gang) that if the solution was to sacrifice the passenger that pranksters would be more than happy to jump in front of these cars just to see what happens, and I think in at least those models aimed at higher end consumers, they may tout that passenger safety has been programmed into the system to be paramount.

It was a real “grown up” question and I think spawned one of the better discussions ever done on the show.

I was surprised no one brought up Spock’s death speech, “The needs of the many, outweigh … (the needs of the few) … or the one” but Aq did reference the I, Robot movie so he gets points for that.

The final segment concerned the UK government’s decision to put pressure on technology providers to eschew strong encryption in favor of either weak encryption or some sort of back door. Apple has stood up and stated that, if enforced, they would stop selling their products in the UK. It was scary to think about this, since no elected official in any company would want to be labeled as the guy who stood in the way of someone getting an iPhone. Bryan pointed out that the market capitalization of Apple is roughly US$700B, putting it at about 25% of the UK’s GDP (with its fifth highest GDP in the world), and so that threat carries a lot of weight.

This was another “big boy question” and I liked the discussion. Should anyone announce that a back door exists in a popular technology, you can bet the bad guys will throw everything at exploiting it. It’s just not a good idea, although it isn’t surprising that it comes from the UK, a country known for the ubiquitous use of CCTV (on a side note, they have also started using traffic cameras that track you between points and if you exceed the posted speed between them, you get ticketed.)

Of course, there is the thought that a private company like Apple has the ability to sway governments, but no one minds the 800 pound gorilla when it is on your side.

During the outro the guys announced they are returning to SCaLE next year to do a Live Voltage show. These are awesome and shouldn’t be missed, and they have room for nearly 1000 people in the venue so expect it to be crazy. Plus, if you visit the site you’ll see Bryan Lunduke right on the front page next to Cory Doctorow – which I think is pretty cool. Outside of Live Voltage, he’ll be doing a presentation on why he hates freedom, I mean, why Linux sucks.

While we aren’t sponsoring that show, OpenNMS is a gold sponsor at the conference, so be sure to go and stop by our booth.

Anyway, the lads did a great job this week. If you have never listened to Bad Voltage, this would be a great one with which to start.

Review: Signal by Open Whisper Systems

I like security, and one of the biggest security holes in my technology concerns text messaging and phone calls. While I can secure my data (for the most part), it is hard to secure traffic over the telephone network, especially with the proliferation of devices like the Stingray.

Awhile ago my friend Jeff introduced me to Red Phone by Open Whisper Systems, which was an app that would encrypt your phone calls. I could never get it to work very well, so I didn’t use it, plus Jeff was the only person I talked with who used it.

Flash forward more than a year, and I’m finding that I quite often don’t get texts from Jeff, while he gets mine just fine. He did some investigation and traced the issue to TextSecure, which was an encrypted text app also from Open Whisper Systems. Apparently I was registered on his phone as a TextSecure user, so it was trying to send text to me by that method. Since I no longer had Red Phone on my device (I play a lot with the software on my mobile devices and had not restored it after a clean install) I wasn’t getting the messages.

I went to install TextSecure and found that it has been replaced by Signal. My, what a difference a year makes. Not only was it easy to use, the app itself is pretty nice. It combines both TextSecure and Red Phone features, and is now the default SMS application on my handy.

Signal is 100% open source. The only way for true security is if everyone has the opportunity to examine the code and look for vulnerabilities. Plus, think about it, if you care about security chances are you want to send sensitive information using the service. Without open source you can’t be sure that information isn’t being intercepted by third parties.

This has resulted in some pretty high endorsements:

Quotes about Signal

Signal is available for both Android and iOS, Note that is uses a data connection to send encrypted SMS messages, so it will count against your data cap. I haven’t had the chance to try out the phone functionality as of yet, but it works fine as a normal SMS client as well.

It is nice to come across such a useful piece of software that is 100% open source, and if I happen to send you SMS messages, be on notice that I will be sending you an invite to Signal (grin).

UPDATE: This is so cool. Since the app uses data instead of the SMS protocol for encrypted texts, it works as long as the mobile device has data. Which means that I can get texts no matter what SIM card is currently in my handy. Cool! So I’m in Germany using my Ortel SIM and I’m able to get SMS messages from friends in the US who have no idea where I am or what network I’m using. Killer feature.