OpenNMS UCE 2010 Call for Papers

After last year’s inaugural OpenNMS Users Conference – Europe, we want to do it again. We’re going to extend it to two days and hope to model it more on the Nagios Users Conference I attended in Nürnberg back in October. Ours will once again be held in Frankfurt, Germany.

If you are interested in presenting, the Call for Papers is now open. The author of any accepted paper will have their hotel costs covered.

There are two types of papers being sought. The first are presentations, which can be either of a technical nature (how to use the OpenNMS application) or a business nature (how to use OpenNMS to improve business processes). These should be about 45 minutes long with 15 minutes for discussion.

The second are workshops. We are seeking two hour workshops to cover hands-on examples with OpenNMS. This is a new feature in this year’s conference.

The deadline for submitting an abstract is 31 December 2009 and speakers will be notified on 31 January 2010.

Hope to see you there.

Last updated on Dec 08, 2009 14:19 UTC

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