OpenNMS Training in Portland, OR, USA

As with other open source projects, we sometimes get criticized for the lack of detailed documentation. We are working to overcome that, but nothing can replace a couple of days of hands-on training with OpenNMS for getting over the learning curve quickly.

We have partnered with the Software Association of Oregon to provide a version of our three day “LX” course :

What: OpenNMS Training
Where:: Portland, Oregon, USA
When:: 26-28 September 2006

Registration Deadline: 20 September 2006

If you are interested in this, be sure to register early, as space is limited.

This course will cover in detail getting OpenNMS installed and customized, and since it is a hands-on course it will definitely cover troubleshooting problems. Also, on the third day we will take a peek at the development branch of OpenNMS, which will become OpenNMS 2.0.

Last updated on Aug 16, 2006 18:05 UTC

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