OpenNMS: International App of Mystery

I am constantly amazed at number of people outside of the US who use OpenNMS. According to Google Analytics this month we’ve had 45,738 visits from 180 countries/territories.

13,037 of those came from the US, which means that over 71% of our website visitors are from other countries. Now I’m not sure how accurate these metrics are, but we are seeing at the OpenNMS Group a lot of international interest (we have clients in 17 countries now).

Dave is currently in Italy where we are working with one of the largest telecom providers there to improve their network management capabilities. Carriers spend a tremendous amount of money on solutions that usually take years to deploy, yet we should be able to deliver a number of large improvements in under six months. With no “per node” pricing of the software, OpenNMS can grow to meet their needs with only a small incremental cost associated with the additional consulting and development. In their highly competitive market this is a good thing, and it demonstrates the value that free and open software can bring to the largest of companies.

As for me, after Dev-Jam I’m off to Australia for a month. We have a number of clients in Oz, but this will be only my second trip there. With e-mail and Skype we are able to handle most support issues without having to resort to heroic effort or odd hours (we get the ticket first thing in the morning our time and it is solved by the time they return for their morning). We’ll be working with a large department of the government of New South Wales.

This week Ben is in the Amazon in Brazil. While Brazil is a hot bed of open source use, we don’t have a client there (yet) – this is just vacation. Hanging in the rainforest – that’s just how we roll.


Last updated on Jul 16, 2008 19:38 UTC

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