OpenNMS 1.2.4 Released


It is my pleasure to announce version 1.2.4 of OpenNMS. We are now in the process of creating packages for 1.2.4, and they will be available for download within the next 24 hours.

This is a maintenance release of OpenNMS, and we have taken great care to insure that it doesn’t introduce any new issues while providing bug fixes and a few, new, small features.

Probably the biggest new feature is the ability to use a URL parameter in the HTTP and HTTPS discovery plugins. This way you can discover and poll non-root URLs for those services that live in a sub-directory from the web root directory. This has been in the poller for some time – I’m not sure why it was not in the capsd plugin.

Also, for those of you that generate notifications on SNMP traps, you are now able to include the triggering event description in a notice – saving a lot of time cutting and pasting. The %descr% tag is all you need to put in the notification description now (if you like).

There are a number of new data collection configurations. Some of you have been using the 64 bit “HC” counters for those circuits that are very active. We now collect on them by default. Note that if you have a large number of interfaces, this will add two new .rrd files for each interface and may impact polling speed and disk space accordingly (only worry about this if you are doing data collection on thousands of interfaces). If you don’t want them, simply edit the datacollection-config.xml file and take them out.

Full release notes are available here:

We have now been invited to host a booth at the .org Village at LinuxWorld Expo in the UK this 5-6 October.

This will be our first conference trip outside the US, and I hope that those of you in Europe will be able to attend.

If you like OpenNMS and use it in a production environment, please consider purchasing OpenNMS commercial support and/or services.

Note that as part of a support contract, we’ll upgrade your configuration files for you. (grin)

Thanks again for being a part of the OpenNMS community.

Last updated on Aug 24, 2005 22:03 UTC

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