It’s been something like 7 weeks since I’ve been in an airport. We’ve grown to the point where the travel can be spread out a lot better among the team so I get to sleep in my own bed more frequently, but a long stay at home like this is rare for me. Things will definitely change over the next couple of months, though.
Of course, the omens are not good for travel this week. First, American Airlines is having issues with its MD-80 fleet (the type of plane I am almost always using). Second, my laptop died. And yesterday my Dad fell off the roof and broke his leg in two places (he was trying to retrieve my nephew’s helicopter toy that managed to land up there).
While I sit at DFW he’s in surgery to place some pins that should help the break heal. He should be fine but I don’t expect him to climb a ladder again any time soon.
I might have cancelled this trip but for the fact that I have to visit one of our largest clients next week. My sister is helping mom with everything, and I should be able to see him when I get back.
Despite all of this, I’m really looking forward to LugRadio. We plan to have a real informal booth for the exhibition, and there will be some OpenNMS swag in the “nutsack” bags each attendee receives. I am looking forward to meeting the type of people who attend such a conference, as it is shows like this and SCaLE that are starting to represent the user community versus the bigger business shows like LinuxWorld.
Of course, with my luck this week we’ll have an earthquake.