Just a quick note to point out some changes to the OpenNMS blogs. We are really trying to get organized this year and we’ve hired a company to help us organize the OpenNMS wiki information. There is a lot of good stuff there but it is sometimes hard to find.
They have a number of suggestions and we are working to implement them, but they wanted us to make two small changes to our blogs.
The first was to move my blog out of the opennms.org domain. I rant on about a lot of things that aren’t project related and that may not interest the average OpenNMS user. So the new URL is https://www.adventuresinoss.com.
The second thing was that we had a number of separate blogs for certain members of the Order of the Green Polo. None of them had time to blog as much as I do, and with one exception blogging was very light. It takes a certain kind of loudmouth personality to actively blog, so rather than have multiple blogs to check we decided to combine them into one “development” blog. Sure you could always check planet.opennms.org but that still required separate logins for each blog if you wanted to comment. The new blog can be found at http://www.opennms.org/blog.
Anyway, for those three people who actively read this stuff I wanted to let you know about the changes. Please update your links/RSS feeds accordingly.