www.opennms.org"> www.opennms.org">

New Fancy Website for <a href="http://www.opennms.org">www.opennms.org</a>

As some of you may have noticed, a little while ago the OpenNMS Project website got updated to a new, fancy, responsive version.

OpenNMS Platform

This was mainly the work of Ronny Trommer with a big assist from our graphic designer, Jessica.

We are often so busy working on the code we often forget how important it is to tell people about what we are doing. Most people who take the time to learn about the project realize how awesome it is, but it can be hard to get over that first hump in the learning curve.

I hope that the new site will both reflect the benefits of using OpenNMS as well as the work of the community behind it.

Last updated on Jul 20, 2016 11:39 UTC

Built with Hugo
Theme Stack designed by Jimmy