
Yesterday I was invited to talk about OpenNMS on the MyTechnologyLawyer radio show.


It was the first time I’d done live radio and Scott Draughon decided to loosen me up by asking if I would go out with Nancy Pelosi. I pointed out that I hadn’t given it much thought, but since I was married probably not. He pressed, and asked if I wasn’t married – how about then? What if it was just coffee? I replied that I was much more of a Ruth Bader Ginsberg kinda guy and that brought the conversation to a halt. (grin)

It was a lot of fun. I was happy we were able to produce good radio since I tend to run on at the mouth a lot. I really like to pimp our community, and lately I’ve been also pimping SCaLE and it was Ilan Rabinovitch from that conference who invited us to be on the show.

So, check it out and I have also archived a copy on the OpenNMS server.

Last updated on Mar 02, 2007 16:32 UTC

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