MC Frontalot to Perform at Southeast Linuxfest

Hot on the heels of last year’s amazing Ohio Linuxfest, we at The OpenNMS Group are excited to be able to bring the musical stylings of MC Frontalot to this year’s Southeast Linuxfest to be held 7-9 June in Charlotte, North Carolina.


Front has been confirmed to perform Saturday night, and I want to stress that this will be his only Carolinas appearance on June 8th. So if you are jonesing to see the man who coined the term “nerdcore rap” up close and personal, be sure to save the date and register for the conference. I repeat, there will only be one place to see MC Frontalot on June 8th, and that will be at SELF.

Hope to see you there, and bring some ducats for the merch table so he can buy food.

Last updated on Apr 17, 2013 19:15 UTC

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