LugRadio Live USA

The rather irreverent British podcast LugRadio is coming to the USA.

Go to LugRadio Live USA 2008, 12-13 April, San Francisco! Watch this, then spread the word!

I like these guys. While I take the OpenNMS project seriously, I don’t take myself very seriously and I think that is the necessary and right attitude to have when it comes to open source. We don’t plan to hit many shows or conferences this year, but this sounded just like the twisted joint we like.

We have been invited to have a booth in their Exhibition so we plan to pack up and head out west next weekend. I’d love to meet some more OpenNMS users out in the Bay area, so please feel free to stop by, say “hi”, tell us you love us or tell us we suck (well, be tactful about the latter). Many thanks to Gareth and Ilan over at SCaLE for hooking us up with the LugRadio guys.

Last updated on Apr 03, 2008 16:33 UTC

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