London: Day 6 – Twofer!

The last day of the show was a little busier than I thought it would be, but still pretty slow. I met a couple of interesting people, especially one little boy who fell in love with our dart men handouts. Since I didn’t want to have to haul them back on the plane I gave him half a bag. I let Jeff off at noon so he and Mandy could spend some time together in London, and I myself left around 4pm.

One of my favorite days of the year is when the clocks move back an hour for Daylight Saving Time. I am always wishing I had more time and the 25 hour day is pretty much a dream come true. It turns out that British Summer Time (the UK version) occurs this weekend but the one in the US is next weekend, so this year I get to do it twice.


Last updated on Oct 25, 2008 19:14 UTC

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