Inveneo in American Way Magazine

I’ve been traveling a lot lately, and while I was reading American Way magazine I came across this article “Road Warrior in Search of Internet Connections and Great Beer”.


Now I’m a bit of a road warrior who likes Internet connections and great beer, but alas it wasn’t an article about me. It was about Bob Marsh, one of the founders of the non-profit Inveneo which is dedicated to bringing communications technologies to the developing world.

What caught my eye was:

After the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, humanitarian agencies needed instant Internet access where no infrastructure existed. Inveneo had the first Wi-Fi links up in six days.

What wasn’t mentioned is that OpenNMS was being used to monitor those links.

It felt really good to help them out, and we continue to support Inveneo’s efforts still, and it was cool to read more about them.

Last updated on Nov 02, 2012 20:48 UTC

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