How Customer Service Should Work

We were in Texas this week for a meeting, and I thought it’d be fun to wear suits. Little did I realize it was going to be 110 Fahrenheit, but we wore them anyway and the client got a big kick out of it. Phrases like “get a camera” and “I didn’t know HP was here to pitch OpenView” were spoken.

And when we got back to the hotel, someone asked us “Are you with FEMA?”

The point is that we are a small company, made up of techies, and we aren’t able to fly around promoting OpenNMS, giving out lots of cool gifts, etc. We rarely, rarely wear ties, much less suits.

But when folks do sign up for support, they get some nice shirts with the OpenNMS logo. It’s just our way of saying “Thanks for supporting us, and welcome to the family.” So it was great when a client in Switzerland posted this picture of their “welcome” care package: How Customer Service Should Work.

Last updated on Sep 29, 2005 21:52 UTC

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