Horizon™ Version 20 Released

Just a heads up that version 20 of Horizon has been released.

Since version 20 coincides with the 20th anniversary of the film The Fifth Element, we’ve decided to use characters from that movie as codenames for this release. Version 20.0.0 is called “Leeloo”.

This release continues our commitment to rapid releases in the Horizon product line, and is mainly focused on bug fixes, small enhancements and code cleanup. We have removed all use of Castor for the parsing of XML files and replaced it with JAXB, and number of deprecated events have been removed from the system.

Probably the biggest new feature is a topology provider that can be used to create custom maps. The Asset Topology Provider generates a GraphML topology based on node metadata including asset fields.

You can read the announcement and for more information, check out the release notes.

Last updated on Jun 09, 2017 18:41 UTC

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Theme Stack designed by Jimmy