Europe 2008: Nice

Nice is nice.

Okay, got that out of my system.

The trip to Nice was uneventful. Our hotel is very comfortable considering the price, and it’s in a great location.


David and I are in Nice for the TeleManagement Forum conference. This is the premier worldwide telecom event, and we are slowly introducing the concept of free and open software to this market. Craig Gallen (OGP) got us involved a couple of years ago, but this is the first time we’ve been able to attend the conference.

One of the dominating management concepts of the TMForum is Next Generation Operational Systems and Software (NGOSS). This defines a large number of interfaces for various management functions to interact. Through Craig’s work OpenNMS includes support for the “quality of service” (QoS) interface, and we’ve completed a proof of concept implementation using it.

It’s also cool to be in a place where I am the customer vs. the vendor.

If any of the three people who read this blog are also here, please drop me a note so we can meet up. I’m here until Thursday afternoon when we head to Paris.

Last updated on May 20, 2008 10:32 UTC

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