Dev-Jam 2011: Day One

Back in 2005, I invited a number of OpenNMS contributors to come to Pittsboro, stay at my house and spend the week working on the project. That was the first annual OpenNMS “Dev-Jam”. We had five people show up, and it was such a success that we decided to make it a yearly event.


This year we have 19 guys hanging out at the University of Minnesota for this year’s Dev-Jam. They come from eight countries (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, the UK, the USA and Venezuela) and three of them have made every Dev-Jam since that first one, oh so long ago (DJ Gregor, who, prior to this year had made them all, can’t make it due to some wussy work obligation).

It is one of my favorite times of the year, and I can’t wait to see what new amazing OpenNMS goodness arises out of this week. We’re having a cookout on Wednesday, so if you are in town, drop me a note and feel free to stop by.

Last updated on Jun 20, 2011 16:06 UTC

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