Dev-Jam 2010 Registration is Now Open

One of my favorite times of the year is when we all get together for a week of OpenNMS coding known as Dev-Jam. This year it will be held once again at Yudof Hall at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis.

Registration is now open.

Anyone who is interested in learning about the OpenNMS code and becoming part of the community is welcome to attend. It is a very open format, and this year’s theme is shaping up to be “The OpenNMS Future Roadmap”. We will be making decisions on what we want to do moving forward and then breaking into teams to make that happen.

The cost is US$1400 which includes a single room in the dorm (with a shared bathroom), meals, internet access and an OpenNMS shirt. While I strongly recommend folks stay in the dorm, if you’d rather stay off campus the cost is US$700 and includes lunch, internet and the shirt.

There is a US$100 discount available until 15 June, and registration closes 20 July or when all beds are full. We do have limited space, so if you want to come please register early.

If you have never been a part of a vibrant open source community and wonder what it is like (or you have been in the past and miss it) then this is the event to attend. It is a serious amount of fun.

Last updated on May 21, 2010 11:50 UTC

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