Dev-Jam 2008 – Day 2

The second day of Dev-Jam went smoothly enough. Everyone has settled in and gotten their development environments sorted. I’ve been running around in my role of cruise director as well as trying to keep our customers happy this week, but I managed to get a little bit more documentation done on the wiki.

In the afternoon Coté spent a couple of hours on Skype with a few people who came out for the conference. I’ll post a link when he gets the podcast up on his site. I was hoping he’d get to talk with everyone, but he was asking enough great questions that we just ran out of time.

It turns out that Monday was DJ’s 30th birthday, so we all went out to a churrascaria up near Marietta. I just think it is so cool that he spent such a landmark birthday with us instead of people he cares about (wide grin).

Last updated on Jul 30, 2008 05:49 UTC

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