Dev Jam 2006 – Day One

We got started at 9am today, right after most of us enjoyed a rather nice breakfast in the cafeteria next to the dorm.

I kicked it off with a welcome and a short history of OpenNMS and of Dev Jam. I was also happy to announce that effective 1 August DJ Gregor, longtime OpenNMS contributor and Order of the Green Polo member, will join The OpenNMS Group as the Vice President of Engineering. I strongly believe in offering opportunities to members of the community as they arise, and we’re very excited to have DJ working on OpenNMS full time.


The stage was then turned over to Matt Brozowski, the main OpenNMS architect, as he explained the changes to the OpenNMS code that have been made recently. This includes using the Maven2 build environment, DAOs and the Spring framework (we’re having a guy from Interface21 here tomorrow).

We then worked hard to max out the available bandwidth building OpenNMS “trunk”.

Lunch was graciously provided by Papa John’s Pizza.


Last updated on Jul 24, 2006 19:35 UTC

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