Dev-Jam 007: Day 1

Today is a travel day for most people, but that also means that we started to gain critical mass early on. Having everyone together does so much for productivity, and we managed to tag and release OpenNMS 1.3.6 (official announcement will come tomorrow).

A lot of progress was made toward getting rid of the dependency on Tomcat for the webUI and replacing it with jetty (although Tomcat can still be used when it is necessary to move the webapp to another server), and we started to lay out the plans for the week (doing more with GWT, getting rid of the SVG 1.2 dependency for maps, etc.)

In other news, one of the more interesting people that I met at OSCON mentioned my talk in his blog. John Willis has been doing this whole network management thing longer than I have, and it was nice to see how much we agreed on what a management platform should be able to do.

Back to Dev-Jam, we took several breaks to play with the Wii:


although I am not very good at it … yet.

Weather issues on the east coast caused some delays, but by dinner time (around 9pm) most everyone had arrived except for Alejandro, who had been stuck in Miami since leaving Venezuela, although he is supposed to be landing soon. We ended up at Sally’s, which worked out well since Sunday nights after 9pm all of the drink specials offered over the week are in force.

It may be a little hard for me to get out of bed in the morning.

Last updated on Jul 30, 2007 05:25 UTC

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