Deacon of Dev-Jam, Robert Hanson

Last year we started a Dev-Jam tradition of having a special guest. Dev-Jam is all about building up the OpenNMS developer community and what better way than to bring in an expert from another open project to cross-train.

Last year we had Ben Hale from Interface21 come and tell us all about Spring. We then spent the last year “springifying” OpenNMS. This year the development focus is on the webUI, so we wanted someone to tell us about cool web tools.

First I had to come up with a name for this person. Mardi Gras has its King of Carnival, the Oscars has its Master of Ceremonies, and now OpenNMS has …

The Deacon of Dev-Jam

We are very excited to have as this year’s Deacon Robert Hanson, author of GWT in Action. We have started using the Google Web Toolkit in our Dashboard feature, and we’d like to expand it to other areas of the webUI. We are very lucky to have Robert join us for the first half of Dev-Jam, and as an added bonus everyone who attends will get a copy of his book. Well, everyone but Robert, that is.

So, remember, Dev-Jam registration closes on July 20th. Sponsorship opportunities are still available. Google was an early silver sponsor and this week we added Sun Microsystems as a silver sponsor as well.

Last updated on Jul 03, 2007 19:42 UTC

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