
This year I’ve been doing a talk at conferences this year on marketing an open source business, which is a little recursive, since one way to market open source is to speak at conferences.

The next one will be OSCON in Portland next week. If any of my three readers plans to be there, drop me a note and we’ll be sure to meet up. If you are not coming to the conference but are in the area and want to get together, drop me a note as well. The main nights of the conference (Wednesday and Thursday) are booked, but I’m open Tuesday night if folks want to meet somewhere downtown.

I certainly hope a lot of people show up, as there are eighteen (18!) other talks going on at the same time as mine, including one by Chris Dibona (which always seems to happen to me). That’s insane. But in any case, stop in on Thursday from 13:40 to 14:20 if you are interested.

And I just found out I’ll be speaking at the Ohio LinuxFest in September. I had a blast last time, and I hope to see a lot of old friends and make new ones.

Did I mention there’s a Jeni’s in Columbus?

Last updated on Jul 21, 2011 20:45 UTC

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