Bugzilla Has Been Updated

The orginal installation of Bugzilla was used mainly by a small group of developers who were very familiar with the code. Thus the “Component” fields consisted mainly of subsections of the source tree. Useful to the designers, but not so good for the average OpenNMS user.

So I’ve gone ahead and cleaned them up a bit. There are two main “products”, OpenNMS and Miscellaneous. The latter is for the OpenNMS support infrastructure, so use that to report issues with the web site, FAQ, CVS and Bugzilla itself.

The joeSNMP bugs will be moving to the joeSNMP site on SourceForge, so consider it deprecated.

For the OpenNMS project, here are the new component categories:

  • Architecture: This is for issues relating to how OpenNMS is designed as a whole, and includes issues with Java versions, Castor, etc.
  • Build/Packaging: Problems with building OpenNMS as well as RPMs and dpkg’s belong here.
  • Data Collection/RRD: For issues with data collection (collectd), including configuration, as well as RRD issues with respect to OpenNMS, use this component.
  • Database: Database issues, including attempts to run OpenNMS using something other than PostgreSQL, belong here.
  • Discovery/Capsd: Discovery problems, including those associated with capsd, are covered in this category.
  • Documentation: Pretty straight forward (don’t be too cruel).
  • Events/Traps: Issues with events and SNMP traps go here.
  • Installation: This includes all installation issues, such as running on non-standard platforms, as well as the “lynx” installer from the website.
  • Logging: OpenNMS uses log4j to handle logs, and problems with that system are tracked here.
  • Notifications/Actions: Since notifications result in notification commands which are run via actiond, I decided to group these two together.
  • Service Polling/Outages: This is the availability catch-all category, which includes issues with monitors (pollerd) and outages (outaged).
  • Startup/Shutdown/Status: This covers problems with opennms.sh as well as starting Tomcat4 and PostgreSQL.
  • Thresholding: Issues with threshd go here.

Bugs with the web-based user interface are divided into four groups:

  • webUI – General: The webUI catch-all category.
  • webUI – Categories: This is for issues with the real-time console (RTC), which concerns the categories display on the main page.
  • webUI – Admin: Anything having to deal with the “Admin” section of the webUI should go here.
  • webUI – Reporting: Since reports are generated and referenced from the webUI, all reporting issues should be tracked here.

And finally there is an Unspecified category just in case you aren’t sure where the bug should go. When we process it we can change it to where it belongs.

Last updated on Mar 09, 2004 22:27 UTC

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