Ben Reed

When I first started working at Oculan, oh so many years ago, I didn’t know too many people there. I wasn’t sure if I was going to fit in or like it. However, in the afternoon of the first day someone made popcorn in the microwave. Imagine if you will a large room with low-wall cubes, with a refrigerator and a microwave in one corner and you pretty much have the geek corral at Oculan. So when someone makes popcorn, the smell is going to permeate the place.

Of course someone mentions that the popcorn smells good, to which someone else points out that it’s not ordinary popcorn, but “Boy Scout Popcorn”. This leads to the usual jokes of “made with real Boy Scouts”, etc.

But then I hear Ben Reed from my desk doing his best Charlton Heston “Boy Scout Popcorn’s People! It’s Peeeeeeople!”.

I knew I’d found a friend.

Ben is a member of the Order of the Green Polo and is mainly responsible for OpenNMS on OS X.

Today Ben and Cynthia Fulbright were married, and should be either on their way to Scotland soon for their honeymoon. Congratulations to both of them. I am very disappointed to have missed the wedding, as I’m still suffering from the cold/flu/whatever I picked up in Portland. Suckage. I sure it was beautiful and we at OpenNMS wish them all the best.

Last updated on Oct 08, 2006 02:28 UTC

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