Beautiful Music at OpenNMS

I’ve always been amazed at the talented people who work on OpenNMS. Not only can they work on software, most have other talents as well. One of those is Ben Reed, who in addition to being more adept with computers than anyone else I know is also a musician. I’ve been listening to his work for over seven years now.

Recently he managed to finally get an album released named, quite aptly, Finally. This week he received two rather impressive pieces of news concerning his work.

The first is that one of his songs, Pointillize, will be the featured track of the week on GarageBand. I guess at the next party we’ll have to see if he can actually play it.

If that wasn’t impressive enough, Music Reviews gave his album four (out of five) “notes” with one song getting a perfect five:

This brings us to what I consider the strongest song on the album, “Perfect Paranoia”; Raccoon Fink now holds the record for being the first independent artist to obtain a rating of 5 on a track.

So if you like music you should check out his stuff. I only hope I can keep him working on OpenNMS when he becomes a big star. (grin)

Last updated on Oct 09, 2008 01:59 UTC

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