2019 Dev-Jam – Day 3

Not much to add on Day 3 of Dev-Jam. By now the group has settled into a routine and there’s lots of hacking on OpenNMS.

As part of my role as “cruise director” Mike and I ran out for more snacks.

2019 Dev-Jam: Table with Snacks and Ulf

On the way we stopped by the Science Museum of Minnesota to pick up a hoodie for Dustin. As fans of Stranger Things we thought we should get our Dustin the same hoodie worn by Dustin in the show. The one in the show was apparently an actual hoodie sold by the museum in the 1980s, but it was so popular they brought it back.

2019 Dev-Jam: Dustin and Dustin in Brontosaurus Hoodie

While not exactly the “Upside Down” in the evening the gang descended on Up-Down, a barcade located a few miles away. Jessica organized the trip and folks seemed to have a great time.

2019 Dev-Jam: Selfie of Folks at Up-Down.

The combination bar and arcade features vintage video games

2019 Dev-Jam: People Playing Video Games at Up-Down.

as well as pinball machines

2019 Dev-Jam: Selfie of Folks at Up-Down.

Of course, there was also a bar

2019 Dev-Jam: People at the Bar at Up-Down.

Good times.

Last updated on Jun 27, 2019 16:52 UTC

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