2010 Dev-Jam – Day Three

I am happy to announce that I was finally able to get the new www.opennms.org website to a point where it could go live. We started this process nearly a year ago and managed to get the www.adventuresinoss.com site finished early in the year, but for a variety of reasons we just couldn’t finish the other one.


Outside of cosmetic changes, not much has changed. At the heart of the site is still a wiki, but we wrapped a few information pages in front of it to help introduce people to the project.

There is also a tighter coupling between the .org and the .com sites, but we will strive to keep the commercial content on .com and the project content on .org. I do hope that this will end the occasional question we get on the mailing lists about whether or not one can get commercial support for OpenNMS, however.


I’ve been pretty heads down on the site, so I’m not sure what everyone else has been working on, but there is a scratchpad page that is tracking some of it.


Dinner was catered by Brasa and most agree that it was in the top five Dev-Jam meals of all time.

Last updated on Jul 28, 2010 03:25 UTC

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