10) Almost all panel discussions stink.

Chris Dibona wrote a post with points on becoming a better speaker, and number 10 on that list was to point out that “Almost all panel discussions stink.”

I have been invited by John Mark Walker to participate on a panel discussion at the LinuxWorld reboot (called OpenSourceWorld) on 12 August in San Francisco. It’s billed as “DM4: The Open Source Management Stack”. Moderated by John Mark, the panel will also include Michael Coté and Luke Kanies.

I’ve known John Mark and Coté for some time, and Luke and I have shared a number of e-mails, so at the very least it will be interesting just to have us together. Being a bit shy and withdrawn, I am not sure how much I will be able to add to the discussion, but I doubt it will fail to be … different … than your usual panel.

I’m hoping that this will be one of those panels that caused Chris to use the word “almost”.

Last updated on May 11, 2009 19:08 UTC

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